Mariah or Messiah?




TLDR: We made another silly digital product, basically.

NEVERBLAND’s 2016 Christmas ‘hack’ project was Mariah or Messiah; a game in which we invite users to identify ‘who said it?’—Mariah Carey or Jesus Christ.

Immaculately conceived in 5 minutes and rushed into production before anyone could reasonably object, it is a testament to the sort of idea that should never make it out of the shower.

Diva or Believer?

Unapologetically offensive to 2.2 billion of earth’s population, there’s very little that can be done to intellectualise the quiz. In that sense it can be considered a true expression of internet culture in 2016.

However, at the end of a long year of commercial rodeo, this was the bit of silliness that united our team.

For those with an interest in what’s under the hood, Mariah or Messiah was built using React, Redux, CSS and good old fashioned HTML.

Finally, in a bid to offset the inevitable tsunami of religious vitriol coming our way, NEVERBLAND donated 10p to Hackney Winter Night Shelter for EVERY SHARE on Twitter and Facebook up to £1,000. Just by clicking the links below you can STILL (until 5/1/17) help make a difference for our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. For once, sharing really is caring. Just by clicking the links below you can STILL (until 5/1/17) help make a difference for our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. For once, sharing really is caring.

We’re aiming for 10,000 shares. Here’s the link again.

As the new year rolls in, let’s all to be kind to one another and remember that Christmas is all a load of commercialised nonsense anyway.

Happy New Year everyone.

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