NB race from London to Nepal.
We have been supporting PHASE Worldwide national Start Strong Appeal for the last few months. The appeal is raising money to support a thousand women and their children in Nepal and all donations made towards the Start Strong Appeal will be matched by the UK Government.
We decided a few weeks ago that it would be a lot of fun if we raced each other from London to Nepal – virtually of course. A distance of four and a half thousand miles. We are now over halfway there with 15 of us racing. You have probably noticed that 15 is not an even number so we have had to give the slower team an extra person. As we stand team two is 903 miles ahead driven mainly by Tom who has already reached 900 miles by himself in a few weeks. Scott also in team two is hot on his heels with 545 miles.
To help us stay focused and add a little competition the dev team built a little product that tracks our progress across the world just like Father Christmas on Christmas Eve. It showcases the great work PHASE Worldwide does in Nepal as well as explains the Start Strong Campaign. It’s never dull working at a great digital product studio.
PHASE is well on its way to achieving it’s fundraising goals, but they are not there yet. The campaign closes very soon, so if you can help please visit either of the two links below.
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