Start strong appeal update after month one
As we wrote last month we are supporting PHASE Worldwide national Start Strong Appeal. The appeal is raising money to support a thousand women and their children in Nepal. Until the 25th of June 2021, all donations made towards the Start Strong Appeal will be matched by the UK Government.
PHASE set a target to reach a £100k across three months and as of today they have raised just over £31k. The creativity and ingenuity of the appeal campaign has been boundless. It all started with actor, writer, television presenter & explorer Brian Blessed kicking off the campaign at the end of March. Across the last month we have seen some amazing activities!
Sarah Oakes has run a half marathon each week for the month of April. Lucy Pearson is climbing Mount Everest via the steps of Crystal Palace and she expects to get to the summit by May 22nd. Krystyna Gruszecka walked 250km around her home in April. Kate Gascoyne has picked up litter everyday for four weeks in the Peak District and Margaret Lally has been walking the parks of North London.
With all this inspiration around us we have decided to swim, walk, run, & bike ride digitally to Kathmandu. A distance of 7,344 kilometres as the crow flies. With just over twenty of us at Neverbland this should be possible before the campaign ends on the 25th June.
PHASE has started really well achieving over thirty percent of their target in a third of the time. If you feel you want to help and make a donation it does not have to be Churchillian, you can visit them here.
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